Care and Support, Every Student, Everyday!

Support Services

Contact Us

Holly Diaz
Director Of Educational Services and Preschool
[email protected]
(623) 250-7748


Erika Chapman

ESS Coordinator

[email protected]


Alycia Poloni

Occupational Therapist

[email protected]


Lindsey Dyer

Speech/ Language Pathologist

[email protected]

Francesca Ayala-Runion 


[email protected]

Occupational Therapy

Students who participate in occupational therapy receive instruction to improve their fine motor skills; typically many of the students are working on handwriting skills.  Students who receive occupational therapy will have goals in their IEP and meet with their therapist as prescribed by the IEP.

Physical Therapy

​The emphasis of school-based physical therapy is to help students access the academic environment and participate in educationally related activities as part of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Physical therapy services are provided primarily through an integrated service model, meaning services are a combination of direct student-therapist contact with consultation and instruction to others involved in the student’s educational program. Physical therapy services include activities that address mobility, educational, and work activities.

Speech and Language

Speech disorders occur when a person is unable to produce speech sounds correctly or fluently or has problems with their voice or resonance. Language disorders occur when a person has trouble understanding others (receptive language) or sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings (expressive language). Speech Language Pathologists or assistants work individually or in small groups, with students using conversation and targeted activities to enable students to communicate effectively.

Counseling and Behavior Coach

The district provides a full-time counselor and behavior coach.  The counselor and behavior coach provide social and emotional support for students.  Assessing behavior needs, implementing behavior plans, or just being available to talk with students is an essential component of our special education program.


James Marshall

MHS Counselor

[email protected]

Now Hiring a counselor for NES